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Pulp Fiction Script

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   (9.37 out of 10)

  Quentin Tarantino
  Roger Avary


Script Date : May 1993

Read "Pulp Fiction" Script

User Comments for Pulp Fiction

Ralph (10 out of 10 )
This is one of the best scripts I've ever read. It's just plain awesome, and ever so badass. Must read!

perry (10 out of 10 )
top banana guys

Jay (10 out of 10 )
Excellent Film. Excellent Script. Quentin Tarantino is one of the best Movie Directors and Writers of all time. Ten out of Ten, as usual. :D

carly (10 out of 10 )
I love how the film tells us interlocking stories, which unfold out of chronological order, so that it hooks up with the beginning of the film. Amazing film, amazing director, enough said.

Jill (10 out of 10 )
One word: Quentin Tarantino

Milo (10 out of 10 )
Two words: Jill

Dale (7 out of 10 )
Two words, shallow pile. so overly written to alienate people and showing a belief that he believes he is smart and he is so cool. it's not terrible but it's not great sorry for all you fans of him but he just doesn't make a film feel real and with all his copying from other films it just makes it an annoying piece of self-obsessed piece of writting.

Roger Alm (10 out of 10 )
One of the best movies of the 90's. A true piece of art PULP FICTION!!!

Greyson Futrell (10 out of 10 )
Pulp fiction, a film about three interlocking stories connecting truly amazing characters into a modern masterpiece. The brilliant talent this movie holds is one for generations to see a worship. The best and most original film of the 90's!

Gregory Rockwell (10 out of 10 )
I'm not sure if you could live without this movie! Tarantino reworks the crime genre into a true tale of awesome originality!

Dale (10 out of 10 )
I love it now.

James (10 out of 10 )
An instant classic. The best film ever without a doubt. The plot, the dialogue and the cast are all a ten star rating. The number one best Quentin Tarantino film. Tarantino at his prime. John Travolta's best film ever. Sam Jackson's best film ever. And I'm by no means any kind of a Bruce Willis fan except for two films, Sin City and of course Pulp Fiction. It should have won all seven of the Academy Awards that it was nominated for. And anybody that thinks that Pulp Fiction isn't a ten star film can go to hell because they know nothing about Pulp Indy films.

MJK (3 out of 10 )
Copied all, from other files. Is that real art? And makes him that good? Sorry he isn't that good, if he wouldn't have all of these ideas he would be nothing!

CJ (10 out of 10 )
Simply great. Read it over and over.

anonymous (10 out of 10 )
Simply amazing.

Luke (10 out of 10 )
Look, all I know is I was entertained and it's a visceral, memorable script. So I second the motion to send non-Pulp Fiction fans to hell. But they can give me a foot massage first, and no tickling or nothing.

El*Mariachi (10 out of 10 )
Brilliant script!

Neevarp (10 out of 10 )
This movie is great. It is a movie that was made by a true movie fan, Quentin Tarantino. So what, he copied off of another great director/writer, it's his filmmaking and writing style that make him special. I didn't find The Catcher in the Rye to be so great, but I understand why everyone likes it so much. So people who hate Quentin; go ahead, you can dislike the movie, but don't diss the man.

Carly D (10 out of 10 )
Pulp fiction has hidden messages! It is a spiritual movie. Marcell Wallace is the devil! Love it.

Rush (10 out of 10 )
Brilliant, they don't come much better than this! (Apart from dumb and dumber).

Victor (10 out of 10 )
The one thing that makes me watch this movie over and over again is the dialogue. The best ever. It tends to mix excitement with typical conversations. When other films struggle to have good SMART scripts, this one just goes with typical day conversations that actually work. This script would work even as an audio tape. It's that good. The conversations are classic. Foot massaging? Gimps? Bible? Burgers? How's that good? It's just good. This script tops that of Tarantino's past movie Reservoir Dogs. Just perfect dialogue.

jim (10 out of 10 )
Awesome, it's the interestingly somewhat funny conversations the characters have with each other that makes a film you can watch over and over again. Some people may not think it's real but then again have they ever had a good conversation? The music is cool also.

mike (10 out of 10 )
What was the bible passage Jules says in the movie?

Paulson (10 out of 10 )
Quentin Tarantino is gift to American cinema. He single-handedly created a renaissance with Pulp Fiction. Original, funny, intelligent, loaded with pop culture and beyond expectation. Classic. Array.

poops (10 out of 10 )
The best damn script ever. "We cool?".. "We cool".

Zach F (10 out of 10 )
A great script for a great movie. My favorite segment is Ezekial 25:17.

bryan (10 out of 10 )
Best movie for life!

Elis87 (10 out of 10 )
The best movie in all the cinema's history.

Martyn (10 out of 10 )
This one doesn't need a good eye to acknowledge how great it is. One of the top ten movies of all time. Unless you're begging for attention by trying to stand out, of course.

Benites (10 out of 10 )
I think there is a problem in the script . The Columbian taxi driver's name is ESMERALDA and not Esmarelda, isn't it ? Esmeralda is the green precious stone. The latin names, mainly the Portuguese and Spanish ones, use to be related to the nature, as animal, trees and stones . The movie is great. Tarantino rocks.

Island (10 out of 10 )
The movie was great. The script leaves out at least one line where Jules talks about his 'moment of clarity'.

ben (10 out of 10 )
We should realize that this is a piece of art. No matter what your own personal beliefs are behind an artist you should not let that cloud your judgment. This is an excellent example of what modern films are, the creativity is leaking off this. Tarantino is brilliant and pulp fiction is the example of that, heck if you don't believe me just look at the 1994 academy award winner for best screenplay.

Hookey (10 out of 10 )
Surely the greatest movie of all time.

spenser (1 out of 10 )
I hate this movie! This movie is not a piece of art, it pretends to be. Tarantino is a joke, pulp fiction is exactly that, pulp. It only masks the fact that it has no substance by pretending that the characters have substance.

Tobias (10 out of 10 )
The best screenplay ever made? Maybe. The movie is a masterpiece, every single scene is a gem.

junior (10 out of 10 )
Quentin Tarantino is an absolute underground genius, I prefer him this way, his movies are always exciting. I love Desperado when he gets his head blown off, only he would accept a role like that. Pulp fiction ruled, Quentin you the man bro, keep it up.

Q Bride (10 out of 10 )
Yes Yes Yes - He is as most of you agree, a genius, and will be remembered as one of the greatest talents of the early 21st century. I love every movie that he has been the writer on. I loved the CSI stuff too. I only wonder quietly, if he has the desire to write and direct some movies without so much gratuitous violence. Don't get me wrong on my attitude towards violence- it is part of the human element, and no one addresses it better than he. Sometimes however, many gifted creative forces want to experiment with many aspects of human behavior and shy away from being seen as stuck in one genre, and long for the challenge of something different.

Rajesh D'Souza (9 out of 10 )
The movie was awesome, I particularly like the part where Samuel L Jackson preaches the word from the bible to the couple who holds a restaurant at gunpoint. Not to mention Travolta's dancing skills. Tarantino rocks! Great script mate.

qt _fan (10 out of 10 )
Happens to be one of the best scripts ever made. Quentin Tarantino's script of pulp fiction started the new age of cinema. It's sly, slick, witty and humorous. It's amazing how quentin tarantino can make low-life's conversations so interesting. This script is a classic and always will be.

movie_fan_89 (10 out of 10 )
I absolutely LOVED this script. From the moment I started reading, I was taken back by the brilliant conversations that didn't really have that much relevance in the actual plot itself but built up towards the climaxes. Some characters that normally wouldn't have as much relivence in a regular movie, had a lot more to do with the mini stories. Something that, these days, is obsolete. I would debate at great length the cultural impact this masterpiece has. I highly praise Tarantino for his work.

Abstract Cats (10 out of 10 )
Quentin Tarantino is the most amazing filmmaker/director ever. He is so inspiring. I met him once in Chicago, Illinois. I got his autograph and he told me that if I ever hoped to be a really great filmmaker, then I shouldn't go to College, I should only watch movies. I guess he said this because that is what he did. Anyway, the screenplay is just fantastic. It's one of my favourite scripts ever. Recently in my home town, I won numerous awards at a Film Festival, for my short movie called: Abstract Cats. Anyway, there was a guy there named Josh Brent, who has promised to buy and direct my movie, and I will be allowed to co-direct. I really think it will make it to Sundance. My name is Chris Zaughff. Thank-you.

Jack Rabbit Slims (10 out of 10 )
This is one of the greatest scripts I've ever read! I regard it even higher for the fact that he never went to film school, he taught himself making it totally original, but with elements of other films. When people bitch about that, they always say he's cheating or copying, but it's a homage, like in James Joyce's Ulysses in which there are 500 page books on all the references made in that. Tarantino is a genius!

moviefaze (10 out of 10 )
This is an absolute classic movie put together in a fascinating manner glued together with script that peppered with cliché’s. How about the bit where Mr Wolf acknowledges Jimmy's taste in expensive coffee with a raised cup and a nod. F-in-brilliant! This is an iconic movie. I'd rate it 10+ if poss.

Jmd (10 out of 10 )
Everyone here that said this movie wasn't great, and QT "isn't that good" is probably a jealous aspiring film student that knows QT stands in a league of his own and will be remembered as a genius film master that could crush any film with his raging huge mega boner of awesome movimaking skills. Pulp Fiction will probably go down as the most quoted movie, at least in my generation. So shoot for the stars my little schoolies of Lipton, I actually admire anyone aspiring to champion or even attempt to reach the bar mr. T has set with this one.

bill's best girl (10 out of 10 )
The best film I have seen. An absolute classic and directed by the worlds greatest director. This film is pure Tarantino all the way. Love the part of Mia Wallace. Played by the right person. The couldn't have been a better person to play the part. Tarantino is a GOD!

BobTheSailor (9 out of 10 )
One of America's greatest films of all time. Quentin's second best film after Reservoir Dogs in my opinion. Some of it was overdone, true, but that was the style of pulp fiction magazines. Overall a masterpiece.

Francisco (10 out of 10 )
I give it a 10 because the movie really made an impression on me, the incredible plot twists, how he plays with time, timing. He turned a simple crime story into a must see feature just by playing with and twisting the story. Now, my question is, this is a script/story that goes against everything Syd Field stands for, right? What can be learned from this? (I assume everyone visiting this page is a screenwriter).

Venustiano Bonilla (10 out of 10 )
I teach English and wanted to use the "breakfast scene" as an exercise for my students. Well it seems the script doesn't correspond to the actual scene! When Pitt asks about the money, Marvin says "It's over there", or at least it's what I hear, and the script says something like "under the bed". Am I watching a different version or WHAT?

jerry weinberg (6 out of 10 )
I liked the movie OK, but does it deserve all this adulation? No. The two reviewers who dissented correctly point out how irritatingly derivative QT is--which is OK to a point, but I expect creativity more than having someone's head blown off. Almost any ny ten minutes of The Godfather are better than this whole film--and I can name dozens more, including Lee's "25th Hour," "Monster's Ball," "Young Frankenstein," almost every episode of "The Sopranos," "Joe Gould's Secret," and almost every film of Woody Allen's, funny or serious. Film is film, and I think it's fair to compare comedies to gore. When "Pulp" first came out, I told a worker in my place that fifteen years from now we wouldn't remember T's name. I was wrong in timing, but history hasn't weighed in.

Zed's Dead (10 out of 10 )
Amazing Script. Original Dialogue. Great Storytelling. Interesting Characters. Too all hating on him for copying previous pieces of film, remember this; the dialogue is all original. He may copy themes, but not one film has ever had the dialogue Pulp Fiction carries.

Hal (1 out of 10 )
I utterly despise the screenplay, the film itself, and the moronic influence the whole thing has had on cinema and culture in general. Pulp fiction is a repellent, soulless, puerile, affected, derivative, pseudo-literate pile of garbage- nothing but a piece of creepy celluloid scrap-booking by a warped and immature movie-obsessive. The supposed structural innovation of the story and its 'rich' dialogue only exist in the minds of weirdos and the credulous and inexperienced.

anonymus prime (10 out of 10 )
Wow, I saw the movie and read the script at the same time, its facinating to notice every change here, the bits of dialog that are kind of distorded like if improvised, the parts that are not in the script and the parts that are in the script but not in the movie, it left me with a wow expretion on my face, really a badass movie that spells the word "cool" (H), all over it. And after experiencing so many diferent emotions during almost 3 hours the movie ends and you feel cool as the movie, and the music is probably the biggest of all factors in helping you feel this great piece good hollywood entertainment, even though some feel jelouse prob. Because he didnt study film or anything yet became famous he really deserves to be where he is and I'm so happy for him because he really knows his movies. 100 stars out of 10.

Mr. Chopsticks (10 out of 10 )
An absolute masterpiece! I remember seeing this movie for the first time and I couldn't believe that you could actually make a film like that. I don't understand these people that don't get it. I've never seen a movie that started halfway through the story or made camp look so cool. I think people who don't like this film can't wrap their brain around it, they expect films to be wrapped in a nice red bow with the usual beginning, middle and ending. The dialogue isn't especially brilliant but its original, a quality so lacking in movies today. If you don't like it, look for a script for an Adam Sandler movie, I'm sure that will meet all of your requirements perfectly.

T-Splash (10 out of 10 )
Y'all 1 star cucks need to settle. This is a gucci movie and you don't think so you probably only watch modern disaster movies.

"Pulp Fiction" Script

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